Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th

I am averaging one post a month. Yes!! Sorry it has been so long. This past couple of weeks have just been absolutely crazy. Between work, rehearsals, and family obligations I don't have any time for my friends. And even fewer hours to spend with myself. Unless you count my daily commute as "me time".

Rehearsals are going well. It is so great to be working with an ensemble who for the most part wants to be there. I wouldn't describe the sets as amazing. In that they aren't visually stunning. But how we work with the sets and how they morph to create a seamless show, becoming a bridge here, a platform there, nightstands, chairs, a carnival ride... and all, basically, in front of the audience. I don't think that there are any blackouts in the entire show, until the ends of the acts.

Last week was a super busy week for me. I got to direct a "reading" of an adaptation of a R&H show with young students. It was a great learning experience for me. The class "master teacher" and I wrote the adaptation and a medley to be used for the show. It was crazy. In three days, I had to give them their blocking, basic characterization, and actually teach them something along the way. All with only 45 minutes a day! Luckily, I had some TAs who would work with the campers in the evenings when they had fee time. The "cast" got to work an extra day and then the performance day, but I had to go on to my "brother's" wedding.

My "brother", Brian, got married this weekend. I was extremely honored to be among those that were in the wedding party. The festivities began on Thursday with the Bachelor and Bachelorette parties. And get the fun times rolling through the actual ceremony on Saturday. The reception was held at the Bride's childhood home and was phenom!!! Have you ever seen a movie with an outdoor wedding? It was like that. With lights strung through the trees, big bulbed lights strung across the reception, the dance floor perfectly centered off the staircase leading from the pool area, beautifully mild weather, no bugs. All the guests mingling. Seriously movie status!

Monday I go in for my first costume fitting... and the show opens in about 3 weeks! Can't wait... As we get closer to production, I am going to try to post more often...but we will see how that turns out.

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