Monday, June 1, 2009

Overheard at Church...part 2

Those of my readers that know who I am, please yell at me for not posting more often.

This Sunday, being Pentecost, we were discussing the first Pentecost. Basically where the spirit of God comes down and makes them able to speak in all the different languages, yada yada order to spread the "Good Word". Well, my friend Candace leans over to me and says, "Great, so how does that sermon go? 'Well I've Got Good news...and Bad News'"

And it made me think, where does that saying come from? Does anyone know? I can't seem to find where that phrase actually originated. I will continue to dig into the meaning of it. But for now, I must go home from my long day of work.

Rehearsals start tomorrow for that show I am in!

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