Everyone seems to think that solving problems is so hard. And I admit that sometimes it can be extremely difficult, but my dear friend, Ms. Darbus (name has been changed to protect her real identity) and I have come up with a method! It is called the "Darbus & Lazar Show", of course substituting our real names for our pseudo-names, which will hopefully go into production this summer or coming fall. It will be similar to "The View" or "Oprah" but much more fun. A place for the community to express their thoughts, feelings, frustrations. And a place to have our own news reports. Interview local celebrities (or persons of interest) and review everything local. It all stemmed from our monthly coffee dates, during which we discuss theater, art, education, and everything else.
We have discovered that given a cup of coffee (or other appropriate delicious beverage served up at the S'bucks) and a few hours to hash them over we could create a world that everyone could be happy with! Can you imagine having that kind of power?!?!?! I might go a bit crazy with it.
It is so much fun to have someone to talk to about our problems and be able to fix them, even if it is just inside our little world. Everybody has at least one group of friends that you do this with... I like to call them "If we ruled the world..." clubs. The only problem with them is that they don't do anything. A solution is only good if you are willing to go out and impart your wisdom unto the world. So go out there and make your ideas heard! That includes me!
Do you have a "If I ruled the world..." club? Join one and make a difference. But don't just sit there complaining about the way it could have been, or should be... go do it! Write a letter, send an email, record a viral video, do a project, organize an event, DO SOMETHING!
See it isn't that hard to solve all the problems, now is it? You may all thank me now.
Friday, May 1, 2009
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